Corridor is BACK!

Calling all poets and artists along the I-5 Corridor! The zine “Corridor” needs you. The submission deadline for the first volume is March 15, 2024. See below for details, FAQs, and other mind-blowing information.


What is the vision behind Corridor? We have a simple vision. A 12-page, 5×7, staple bound, free zine sitting there, waiting to be discovered. It is casual, it is no drama, it is free and it says “I love you, you got this.” You have coffee together and it follows you home. You become best friends. Then, a month later, another zine, a new zine appears… How will you break the news to last month’s friend that you found a new friend? “Hey, it’s OK,” Corridor the zine says, “We can all be friends. Love us all.” See. It’s easy. No drama. Just a little monthly collection of 10 poems to help us during these tough times. Easy.

I hope that it would feel like a treasure found. I trust by the power of serendipity & love an image, a line, or a word would inspire the treasure seeker.

-Shannon Laws

History: The 2022-23 volumes offered work from over 27 poets, and 5 artists, +400 copies of the 10-paged zines were printed and distributed over 13 months, to various libraries, books stores, and cafes in Whatcom County.  Always 5-8 copies were found at the breezeway between Village Book and the Colophone Cafe. Please read about this tantalizing project in the 2023 “The Front” article. JOIN US!


What? A limited edition monthly poetry zine called “Corridor”. It gets its name from the I-5 corridor that mimics how thoughts travel through the highways of the mind.  

How long will it run?  From Poetry Month 2024 to Poetry Month 2025. April 2024 to April 2025, 13 editions. 

What is a zine? Zines are non-commercial, self-published booklets that are typically reproduced using a copy machine. They provide a safe space for the contributors to freely express themselves and share their art, words, and thoughts with a chosen (and often niche) audience.  It does not have an ISBN or a LOC number.

What will be in Corridor? Each edition will include 10 thought-provoking poems selected by the Corridor Collective. Each poem should be no more than one page long.  If you have “safe for everyone” original print-ready art in any medium that would work in a 5×7 format you are welcome to submit it.  You can submit an original work of art that you own to accompany your poem if you would like. Submission does not guarantee publication. Poets selected will be notified and receive an electronic copy of the final zine.

What type of poems does the Corridor Collective seek? Poems that provoke deep thought, offer encouragement, entertain, and/or share a story. Content must be friendly to all ages and lifestyles. Poems and art must be original and created by the submitter. Submission does not guarantee publication.  

How will people get this zine? The zine will be distributed by hand to various local shops, cafes, bookstores, and Little Free Libraries around Whatcom County by the Corridor Collective. Always 5-8 copies can be found at the breezeway between Village Book and the Colophone Cafe in Fairhaven because we love VB.

These zines are Easter Eggs. These are hidden treasures. These will be cherished works of art beloved by many owned by few.

the Corridor Collective

Can I help print and distribute Corridors? YES! If you want to spread some “Corridor” message me for the PDF here or shannon dot chickadee at gmail dot com.

What should I do when I find it? If you find one it means that you are in a unique and treasured establishment in Whatcom County. Please consider supporting the local cafe or store with copies of “Corridor”. Even a purchase of $5 is helpful.  You can keep the copy, or leave it for another person to read, it’s up to you. Please share it when you are done.

Where do I send my submission? Please send it to shannon dot chickadee at gmail dot com. If you have a specific form, such as a waterfall poem, send it as a PDF. She will also take WORD or you can copy/paste it into the email. She will ask questions if any arise, but we want these zines to be quick, accurate, & easy.
Please tell us how you would like to be acknowledged and how a pre-published poem is to be referenced and/or book cited if applicable.

Is there a deadline for submissions? No, not really. Deadlines are so stressful and this zine does not subscribe to stress. Submissions that are not selected for one month may appear in the next month. However, if you can get your poem or piece of art to us by the 15th of the month, you have a good chance of appearing in the next month’s edition.

What if my poem is selected? Poets/Artists selected will be notified and receive a complimentary PDF of the zine. Also, contributing poets/artists will automatically be added to the mailing list for reminders, and PDF editions, unless they request otherwise.  Please send original poems and/or art anytime to shannon dot chickadee at gmail dot com. Submission does not guarantee publication.

Can I send a short bio and promote my website with a submission?  Yes, you can.  Due to limited space please keep bios to 25-30 words.

What if the poem I want to submit is old and/or was published somewhere else? Many things get better with age. If you own the work, then please submit it. Also, remember to tell us how you would like it cited. Example:  Author last name, First name. “Poem Title.” Book Title, Publisher, Year, Page number(s).  

How rich will I get? no money is involved. There is no money.

How easy is this? very

Below is the November 2022 edition, for example. Each zine is unique, however.
We look forward to reading your submission.

Published by Shannon Laws

Like my writing? Want to hear me read my poetry? Please visit and download some today. Only $1 a poem Shannon Laws is a Pacific Northwest poet. Her story-telling poetry has touched many hearts and minds. She is the author of four poetry books, the most recent “Fallen” published by Independent Writer’s Studio Press. Shannon has received two Mayor’s Arts Awards and the Community Champion Award for promoting local artists on community radio and encouraging peace and understanding through community poetry events. She makes her home in Bellingham, Washington, USA.

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