Where it’s at Predictions

Everyone’s trying to figure out WHAT is going to happen in 2024. It’s where it’s at. Here is a list of my predictions for 2024 and beyond regarding America, society, the planet, and other things like popular gift items in the 25th century. As you know I am parts Welsh, Irish, and Cuban so I have “The Sight”, it’s a packaged deal. They haven’t nailed down which chromosome is responsible for it yet, but I’m going to polish up my crystal ball just for you today. It’s my gift to you. Let me know if you think I’m close in the comments.

50 year – America

-After the turbulent 20s and 30s America will re-invent itself. The direction will be determined by the “winners”. Living in America will begin to become easier for the working class and those of low/fixed income.  Families that survived the 20-30s will be rewarded with a 3 bedroom 2 bath home, yard maintenance not included. 

-What we know as the Internet or World Wide Web will be completely rebuilt on a new platform.  This will be promoted as a necessity to eliminate criminal activity and viruses.  It will also bring in a new total awareness AI type of “service” to the global citizens.

-In 25 years the Baby Boomers will be dead and marketing firms will target the next largest generation. Millennials, a larger population than the Boomers, will begin to come into their power in their 40s and 50s. Like a sleeping giant.

-The 1 %ers will struggle to figure out which prediction to prepare for, global catastrophe, (such as nuclear war, meteorites, pole shift), or a piece of the pie in a one-world government, so they will decide to go for both.  Besides, they need the cash to build the shelters, so it’s a win-win. 

-The governments will introduce one species of alien to the population. They will be friendly and protective towards Earth. Then an enemy, a separate alien species from another world that wants to harm Earth, will be announced.

Plus 100-year predictions

-100 years from now Americans will make jokes about us living in a world where 80% of the items we touched in a day were made from petroleum, the same way we joke about cocaine being in Coca-Cola until 1929.

-The continent of Africa will experience more peace and growth than it ever has in its current history.  An increase in modernization, freedoms, education, and transportation advances will connect the land mass, bringing folks together, which in turn will bring wealth and political strength.

-There will be a mass evacuation in all desert climates, due to climate change. Desert cities and homes in the Americas and Asia will empty out due to the inhabitable conditions.

-The exceptions to the desert exodus will be American Indian reservations. The tribes, especially those located in flat plain, or desert areas, will cut deals with developers and switch their focus from casinos to Smart Cities. Tribal land will become destination vacation spots.

-Smart Cities. Megacities will be built in the Great Plains area.  Residency is by invitation only and includes an application process or proof of purchasing power.  They will have guards at the gates. They will claim to be safer for the environment, boast no crime, have cleaner air, happier and healthier citizens.  

-With the rise of the Smart City, for the first few decades, the owners of these cities, in an attempt to fill them up with “good candidates” will offer amazing financial packages to those who are “eligible”.  Homeowners in the old cities will sell their homes for $1 or gift them to people, to quickly run off to be in the Smart City.

-In some parts of the US, many affluent neighborhoods will be empty of people, and many old city businesses will close and open in the Smart Cities.  The wanderer who can defend, feed, and shelter themselves, will have a high time of freedom traveling from mansion to mansion, but it will be an empty endeavor.

-Genealogists in the future will have historical archives of the current internet, a captured snapshot of the internet as we know it in 2023, saved for research and historical purposes.  

-The people and corporations that have purchased a website address in the 20th and 21st centuries– those websites will be like technical property that will increase in worth for about 75 years. 

-After the old platform is archived, the globe will embrace the new system.  Forgetting happily about the old platform for 50 years or so.  then, a retro generation will emerge in correlation with a new interest in genealogy and technical archive research.  Folks will again search the old platform in all its glory and horrors seeking sites owned by family members.  Access will be available at what the future uses as public libraries, and then the archivist will open up a “cleaned” version for anyone to access.  This will become trendy for about 25 years.

-Advanced AI and robotics companies will, for a hefty price, recreate our favorite relatives that passed on.  Using collected data of the ancient relative from the old platform, including voice capture, emails, videos, writing, etc. This will be very expensive at first, seen as a personalized cultural trinket of the rich.  Perhaps the robot will be the gardener, cook, craft artist, babysitter, or storyteller to the current family. Whatever the original family member’s expertise or career was may determine their role as a robot.  Talking torsos of favorite ancestors will be available for people who can’t afford or do not want a full robot body of their ancient relative. Parents will make their children talk with their ancestors to learn about their family’s history and life lessons.

-In the future people will gift genetic modification to others

Whew! That was a lot of predicting. I’m tired. Below are some links that got me thinking about what’s ahead in the next 50-100 years. These are crazy, unprecedented times. The cost of living is high, and tensions between national leaders are strong, but the future is yet to be determined. Who knows where this is all going. Idiots may be running the world but let’s be kind to each other during these days. Take care and Happy New Year!







Published by Shannon Laws

Like my writing? Want to hear me read my poetry? Please visit https://chickadeeproductions.bandcamp.com/releases and download some today. Only $1 a poem Shannon Laws is a Pacific Northwest poet. Her story-telling poetry has touched many hearts and minds. She is the author of four poetry books, the most recent “Fallen” published by Independent Writer’s Studio Press. Shannon has received two Mayor’s Arts Awards and the Community Champion Award for promoting local artists on community radio and encouraging peace and understanding through community poetry events. She makes her home in Bellingham, Washington, USA.

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