Corridor is BACK!

Calling all poets and artists along the I-5 Corridor! The zine “Corridor” needs you. The submission deadline for the first volume is March 15, 2024. See below for details, FAQs, and other mind-blowing information.

Master of Disguise

At the same time, what I can only imagine is a full-out attack from the Nigerian scammer army, I began to get 6-8 chat requests from people unknown to me a day. Men, really good-looking, age-appropriate men attempted to chat me up. How nice. It must be my new night cream. A response gives the stranger access to your account. In other words, you are in a fortified castle and lowering the gate, inviting the enemy to come in for a sitdown and biscuits.

Day 51: Back to the Future Shower Thoughts: The Swiss must have been pretty confident in their victory if they included a corkscrew in their army knives. Week Seven.  Let’s check-in.  Do you know anyone who has been directly affected by the virus? I personally know three people.  Two friends of mine lost family members; one a mother the otherContinueContinue reading “Day 51: Back to the Future”