June’s Corridor

The June edition of Corridor has been printed and will soon grace the nooks and crannies of Whatcom County, small parts of Portland OR. and other mysterious locations. Please keep your eyes out for it.

Corridor started with the spirit of leaving a little note for a wondering wanderer to find at a coffee shop. A little something-something left on a table at a cafe. A thoughtful message to a stranger from a stranger. You know sometimes we take the fast train to town, other days we’re on foot, noticing the flowers blooming in a neighbor’s yard. Found art just is–and it says “Hey there.” to whomever eyes it.

Have a poem you’d like to submit? Send it to shannon.chickadee@gmail.com. If your poem is printed in the zine, you’ll get a monthly digital copy sent to you.

This is such a fun little project. I’m so tickled, honestly tickled, by the interests others have in it. Feeling extra thankful this month.

Here are the bios for this month’s edition.


Dustin Micheletti and poetry have been casting flirtatious glances at each other for decades. An avid friend to nature, sometimes artist and author, dedicated family man. Bham via Portland.

Nancy Kay Peterson is a poet and new resident of Bellingham who is happy to have left the raking of Wisconsin leaves behind her.

Linda Conroy, a Bellingham poet, and author of two poetry
collections, likes to write about the complexities of human nature and our connection to the natural world.

Duncan Shields is an animator, writer, podcaster, and performer currently living in Vancouver BC with his wife and daughter. He enjoys the rain, burritos, and he’s happy to be here.

Ashok K. Bhargava: Art award-winning multilingual poet; The founder and
President of the Writers International Network Canada (WIN Canada); Community activist; Author of six poetry books and many poetry anthologies.

Tyson Higel lives in Bellingham, WA where he works as a nurse. To read more
poetry of his, or to say hello (yay for community!) visit

J.I. Kleinberg lives in Bellingham, Washington, where she tears words out of magazines and stares at them until they turn into poems. Find out more at https://chocolateisaverb.wordpress.com or on Instagram @jikleinberg.

Ron Leatherbarrow was a professor of literature and composition and an instructional administrator in colleges across the country for 50 years.  After years of writing academic policy, he is pleased, in retirement, to regain his poetic “voice.”

Lynn Geri lives in Bellingham… dreaming of flowers that taught her about beauty and how a garden’s four corners structure taught her a way to seek understanding. 

Shannon Laws has a YouTube channel called “Channel Chickadee.”

Kathleen A. McKeever has published two books of poetry, available at Village Books or Bellingham Washington Public Library, “Lightbound” and “Body/Today”.

Published by Shannon Laws

Like my writing? Want to hear me read my poetry? Please visit https://chickadeeproductions.bandcamp.com/releases and download some today. Only $1 a poem Shannon Laws is a Pacific Northwest poet. Her story-telling poetry has touched many hearts and minds. She is the author of four poetry books, the most recent “Fallen” published by Independent Writer’s Studio Press. Shannon has received two Mayor’s Arts Awards and the Community Champion Award for promoting local artists on community radio and encouraging peace and understanding through community poetry events. She makes her home in Bellingham, Washington, USA.

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