The In-Between Times

I am all in when it comes to historic costume productions in any genre.  I mean I am here for the dresses and wigs.  Bridgerton does not disappoint.  Their costume designs are colorful renditions of historical clothing and seem to paint the very definition of each character on the fabric.  The Regency era (1795 and 1837) of high society London is reimagined.

Master of Disguise

At the same time, what I can only imagine is a full-out attack from the Nigerian scammer army, I began to get 6-8 chat requests from people unknown to me a day. Men, really good-looking, age-appropriate men attempted to chat me up. How nice. It must be my new night cream. A response gives the stranger access to your account. In other words, you are in a fortified castle and lowering the gate, inviting the enemy to come in for a sitdown and biscuits.